パスワードを生成するコマンド、OSX 版 sf-pwdgen
sf-pwgen がベター
sf-pwgen を使うとベターなのは、次の理由です。
sf-pwgen is a command line tool which generates passwords using the SecurityFoundation framework in OS X. It runs on Mountain Lion and later.
このmacOS のSecurityFoundationのFrameworkの実装をつかっているのが、sf-pwgenになります。
brew install sf-pwgen
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ sf-pwgen -h sf-pwgen 1.2: OS X password generator by Anders Bergh <anders1@gmail.com> usage: sf-pwgen [options] Option: Meaning: -a, --algorithm Available algorithms: memorable, random letters, alphanumeric, numbers. The default is `memorable'. -c, --count The number of passwords to generate. -l, --length Desired length of the generated passwords. -L, --language Generate passwords in a specified language. Languages: en, de, es, fr, it, nl, pt, jp. Note that this feature is broken and will produce garbage, bug: rdar://14889281 -v, --version Print the version number and exit. -h, --help Print this message.
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ sf-pwgen -l 12 -c 10 rouÃ68'ever leek135.anna pixie43*awes mag3[rancher Anne7[tarter seeps70{shah dyad419*Gill palm768"saut orc6/hookahs racks36]Feds
mkpassed / pwgen
こちらは、通常に実装されたパスワード生成ツール 使い方とか
pwgen の使い方
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ pwgen -h Usage: pwgen [ OPTIONS ] [ pw_length ] [ num_pw ] Options supported by pwgen: -c or --capitalize Include at least one capital letter in the password -A or --no-capitalize Don't include capital letters in the password -n or --numerals Include at least one number in the password -0 or --no-numerals Don't include numbers in the password -y or --symbols Include at least one special symbol in the password -s or --secure Generate completely random passwords -B or --ambiguous Don't include ambiguous characters in the password -h or --help Print a help message -H or --sha1=path/to/file[#seed] Use sha1 hash of given file as a (not so) random generator -C Print the generated passwords in columns -1 Don't print the generated passwords in columns -v or --no-vowels Do not use any vowels so as to avoid accidental nasty words
mkpasswd.pl の使い方
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ ssh s0 mkpasswd.pl -h Usage: mkpasswd.pl [-options] -l # | --length=# length of password (default = 9) -d # | --digits=# min # of digits (default = 2) -c # | --lower=# min # of lowercase chars (default = 2) -C # | --upper=# min # of uppercase chars (default = 2) -s # | --special=# min # of special chars (default = 1) -2 | --distribute alternate hands --nodigits alias for --digits=0 --nolower alias for --lower=0 --noupper alias for --upper=0 --nospecial alias for --special=0
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ ssh s0 'for ((i=0;i<10;i++)) ; do mkpasswd.pl -l 12 ; done ;' 3)jbvmAMj1tu 1pqPyvg5>nFm J4z&awnJsf5c 3uRlrq+bzLp6 1Rll}dcox4kQ 0tcQnb2F)muk yOmt4ivk2A,m 5sVbn%gbqD9n yKix1?zh7oSu sR4mm!s0aZwl
うん、sf-pwgen のほうが使いやすい文字の並びだわ。
注意 mkpasswd は linux の/etc/passwd 用だから
これは、/etc/passwd に登録できるパスワード文字列を生成するコマンドだから、WEBサイトに使うようじゃないね。
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ ssh s0 mkpasswd -h 使い方: mkpasswd [OPTIONS]... [PASSWORD [SALT]] PASSWORD を crypt(3) で暗号化 -m, --method=TYPE select method TYPE -5 like --method=md5 -S, --salt=SALT use the specified SALT -R, --rounds=NUMBER use the specified NUMBER of rounds -P, --password-fd=NUM read the password from file descriptor NUM instead of /dev/tty -s, --stdin like --password-fd=0 -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit If PASSWORD is missing then it is asked interactively. If no SALT is specified, a random one is generated. If TYPE is 'help', available methods are printed. Report bugs to <md+whois@linux.it>.
インストールは、brew から
brew install pwgen
brew install sf-pwgen
mkpasswd.pl は linuxで使う
apt install libstring-mkpasswd-perl
2020-04-22 brew install の記述が抜けてたので追記