unzip -l
-less - unzip - lsar - zipinfo - zipdetails
unzipと less のLinuxコマンドはほとんどの環境に入っているので楽だと思う
unzip -l unzip -v less
その他にも、lsar , zipdetail 等がある。
unzip コマンドで中身を見る
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ unzip -v Archive: Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name -------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- 462165 Defl:N 106513 77% 07-30-14 11:17 04671c73 testdata_small.csv -------- ------- --- ------- 462165 106513 77% 1 file
zipinfo コマンド
または、zipinfo コマンドで出来る
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ zipinfo /Users/takuya/Desktop/ Archive: /Users/takuya/Desktop/ 106699 bytes 1 file -rwxr-xr-x 3.0 unx 462165 tx defN 30-Jul-14 11:17 testdata_small.csv 1 file, 462165 bytes uncompressed, 106513 bytes compressed: 77.0%
zipdetails コマンド
中身(詳細情報)を見るにはzipdetails コマンド出来る。ファイルの一覧でなかくもっとたくさん情報がほしいときよう。。。でもまぁ、ここまで見るなら、プログラム側でZipみるやつ作るよね。
takuya@rena:~/Desktop$ zipdetails 00000 LOCAL HEADER #1 04034B50 00004 Extract Zip Spec 14 '2.0' 00005 Extract OS 00 'MS-DOS' 00006 General Purpose Flag 0000 [Bits 1-2] 0 'Normal Compression' 00008 Compression Method 0008 'Deflated' 0000A Last Mod Time 44FE5A25 'Wed Jul 30 11:17:10 2014' 0000E CRC 04671C73 00012 Compressed Length 0001A011 00016 Uncompressed Length 00070D55 0001A Filename Length 0012 0001C Extra Length 001C 0001E Filename 'testdata_small.csv' 00030 Extra ID #0001 5455 'UT: Extended Timestamp' 00032 Length 0009 00034 Flags '03 mod access' 00035 Mod Time 53D855A6 'Wed Jul 30 11:17:10 2014' 00039 Access Time 5440D658 'Fri Oct 17 17:42:00 2014' 0003D Extra ID #0002 7875 'ux: Unix Extra Type 3' 0003F Length 000B 00041 Version 01 00042 UID Size 04 00043 UID 000001F5 00047 GID Size 04 00048 GID 00000014 0004C PAYLOAD 1A05D CENTRAL HEADER #1 02014B50 1A061 Created Zip Spec 1E '3.0' 1A062 Created OS 03 'Unix' 1A063 Extract Zip Spec 14 '2.0' 1A064 Extract OS 00 'MS-DOS' 1A065 General Purpose Flag 0000 [Bits 1-2] 0 'Normal Compression' 1A067 Compression Method 0008 'Deflated' 1A069 Last Mod Time 44FE5A25 'Wed Jul 30 11:17:10 2014' 1A06D CRC 04671C73 1A071 Compressed Length 0001A011 1A075 Uncompressed Length 00070D55 1A079 Filename Length 0012 1A07B Extra Length 0018 1A07D Comment Length 0000 1A07F Disk Start 0000 1A081 Int File Attributes 0001 [Bit 0] 1 Text Data 1A083 Ext File Attributes 81ED0000 1A087 Local Header Offset 00000000 1A08B Filename 'testdata_small.csv' 1A09D Extra ID #0001 5455 'UT: Extended Timestamp' 1A09F Length 0005 1A0A1 Flags '03 mod access' 1A0A2 Mod Time 53D855A6 'Wed Jul 30 11:17:10 2014' 1A0A6 Extra ID #0002 7875 'ux: Unix Extra Type 3' 1A0A8 Length 000B 1A0AA Version 01 1A0AB UID Size 04 1A0AC UID 000001F5 1A0B0 GID Size 04 1A0B1 GID 00000014 1A0B5 END CENTRAL HEADER 06054B50 1A0B9 Number of this disk 0000 1A0BB Central Dir Disk no 0000 1A0BD Entries in this disk 0001 1A0BF Total Entries 0001 1A0C1 Size of Central Dir 00000058 1A0C5 Offset to Central Dir 0001A05D 1A0C9 Comment Length 0000 Done
2017/12/18 更新