rubygems で使えるパッケージ cheatを試した。これが面白い。
$ cheat rails_migrations rails_migrations: valid data types: :integer :float :datetime :date :timestamp :time :text :string :binary :boolean options: :null (boolean) :limit (integer) :default :precision (integer) :scale (integer) create the model ./script/generate model model_name apply schema changes rake db:migrate modify schema ./script generate migration description_name
tidy の使用例を探してみた。
$ cheat tidy tidy: Tidy Ruby Gem Tidy: Tidy-Ruby: If you're experiencing a Segmentation Fault (Rails app could not start) see List of Tidy-Ruby Options (中略..) Installation =========================================== (中略..) Usage & Examples =========================================== require 'tidy' # This might be required if your app is crashing. # This is only available in the forked tidy. # see Installation above Tidy.fresh_tidy_version = true Tidy.path = '/usr/lib/' html = '<html><title>title</title>Body</html>'>true) do |tidy| puts tidy.options.show_warnings # returns True xml = tidy.clean(html) # See note below puts tidy.errors # array puts tidy.diagnostics # array puts xml end (略..)
cheat の準備
gem install cheat
cheat の使い方を見る
cheat cheat
cheat sheet の一覧を見る
cheat sheet | more All Cheat Sheets: a2ps a2ps_page_size ack acts_as_authenticated acts_as_state_machine (略)
$ command line ruby cheat sheets
$ cheat sheets All Cheat Sheets: a2ps a2ps_page_size ack acts_as_authenticated acts_as_state_machine acts_as_taggable_on address administrateme agile alias amazon_conditions ambition android ansi apache apache2 apache_regex aptitude arel_expressions arel_predications ar_i18n arspy arts aruba as3_formulas ascii asdf assert assert_block assert_difference assert_dom_equal assert_dom_not_equal assert_equal assert_generates assert_have_selector assert_in_delta assert_instance_of assertions assert_kind_of assert_match assert_nil assert_no_difference assert_no_match assert_no_tag assert_not_equal assert_nothing_raised assert_nothing_thrown assert_not_nil assert_not_same assert_operator assert_raise assert_raises assert_recognizes assert_redirected_to assert_respond_to assert_response assert_routing assert_same assert_select assert_send assert_tag assert_template assert_throws assert_valid association_methods asunit auth authorizenet autotest averylongnamethatwecanfind awesome awk bacon balloon bartleby bash bash_complete bashhistory bash_param bash_scripting batman belongs_to benchmark beyondtheurinal blender blogs blow blueprint bm boost_test borg box_chars boyfriend bpd braid brcbrcbrc bruce_schneier_facts bsd_license bug bzr callbacks canvas capazon cap_bare cap_deploy capistrano cascading ccrb centos_clone cformats chase chat cheat cheatcheatit cheat_el cheats cheat_sheets_om chmod chocolate chrome chuck_norris_facts clojure cocoaerrors coding colored commands compass compass_wordpress conkeror console convert_odt_pdf cool_options couchdb cpio cron cryptsetup css3_selectors css_at_rules css_boxing css_media css_selectors cucumber cuke4duke curl cut damon darcs darcs_record database_yml datamapper date date_info death deb_packages declarative_authorization default_passwords delete_me dell_linux_bios_update deprec deprec2 deprecated dexagogo_form_validation diakonos ditto ditz dollar dom doom dpkg dragon_warrior drush dsvn du dvtm ec2 ecb eclim ed eg elad emacs emacs_basics emacs_psvn emacs_slime emacs_tips enumerable environments erb erl erlang e_text_editor euca2ools exceptions factory_girl faker faster_csv fbgraph fela ffi ffmpeg fidic file_test final_fantasy_6 finance find finder firebug firefox_lockdown firephp fish flashen flickrurl fm foo form_for freebsd ftp gadding galician_stew gazpacho gcc gem gemfile gemfile gems ghi girlfriend gist_vim git git_add_i git_buildpackage git_collaboration gitignore gitosis git_remote_branch git_submodule gitsvn git_textmate_bundles git_usage gjs globals gmail gnome_terminals_4_rails gnupg google gpg gpl gpl_short grails greader greek_alphabet grep groovy_sql gruff gslice gsub gtd guitar haiku haml has_and_belongs_to_many hash has_many has_one have_tag helm help heroku hg highline history hitch hobo hobo_template hot_chocolate how_to_make_english_muffins how_to_make_flour_tortillas hpricot htaccess4 html http http_status_codes hub husband iana_port_list iconv illinois il_screen imagemagick_geometry install_cucumber_gem install_rspec_rails install_rspec_rails114 into_the_code io iomodes iphone ipod_touch irb irc jasmine java jedit_ruby_editor_plugin jquery karma kbkbkkbkbkbkbkbkkb kde_session kenzu_ryu kernel_update kill konami_code ksdhfv leopard less lesscss lgpl life lift lighthouse link_to_remote linux linux_ext_monitor linux_history linux_network_boot linux_nic ln logging lorem lorem_ipsum lorum lose_weight lotus_domino_url ls lsof lucene_query_syntax lvm mac_gem_install_mysql mac_glyphs mac_shortcuts magit mail makaveli markaby markdown marsmission matchy mate matz_bot mechanize mencoder merb mercurial metaprogramming method_lister microformats_helper migrations military_alphabet minitest misc mite mit_license mktime mocha mod_rewrite mogitblame moneta mongo mount_dd_image mount_lvm mplayer mustache mutt_gmail mysql mysql_delete mysql_insert mysql_move mysql_select mysql_update named_scope nanoc nc nerd_tree netbeans netstat nginx nibblenuts nils nmap nokogiri nonsense notify nslog number_lines obj_c objc_formats odbc okay omlinux oneline oop opensc open_solaris openssl oracle orgmode orgmode_agenda_views orgmode_archiving orgmode_cal_diary orgmode_completion orgmode_dynamic_blocks orgmode_exporting_publishing orgmode_filter_and_sparse_trees orgmode_getting_started orgmode_latex_mode orgmode_links orgmode_motion orgmode_structure_editing orgmode_tables orgmode_tags orgmode_timestamps orgmode_todo_and_checkboxes orgmode_visibility_cycling osxbash osx_emacskeys pack pairing palm_webos passenger password paste pastie_vim pdf perforce perl perldoc perl_replace permalink_fu permissions phonetic piston plugins poker police port postgis postgres predefined_variables prim prototype python_doctest python_web queriac r4fy rack rack_profiler radrails radrails_rhtml radrails_ruby rails rails_checklist rails_configuration rails_console rails_conventions rails_data_types rails_date_formats rails_edge rails_environment rails_helpers rails_keywords rails_migrations rails_plugin_creation rails_plugin_creation_detailed_example rails_rake_tasks rails_relationships rails_request_object rails_reserved_words rails_review rails_routes rails_svn rails_tasks rails_tips rails_to_s rails_vim raise_rescue rake ratpoison rcov rdebug rdf rdiff_backup_restore rdoc readline readme recursive redirect redis regelwerk regex regex_lib regexp remarkable remind_commands resource_controller rest rexml rgit rinari rjs rkj rm robotlegs roo rope rpm rpm2cpio rspec rspec_formats rspec_on_rails_matchers rspec_should rspec_shoulda rsync rtorrent ruby ruby1line ruby_about_com_example ruby_arrays ruby_comments rubydebug ruby_globals rubyio ruby_kernel_test ruby_keywords ruby_license ruby_main ruby_mode_strings ruby_naming ruby_one_liners ruby_percent ruby_predef rubyprof ruby_string ruby_tools runescape rvm rzyncbackup s3sync saf sake sass scaffold_resource scala scili scp scrapi screen sed sed_delete sed_numbering sed_print sed_spacing select_box selenium selenium_on_rails sem semweb sendmail sen_test_assertions seo sequel servers seven_dwarves sex sh sheets shoes shoulda simpletest sinatra site sketch slicehost smalltalk sness solaris_smf sort spc spirit_of_the_game spock sprintf sql sql_alter sqld4r sqlite sqlite_console sre ssh sshkeys status_codes sti strftime string string_template string_unpack strptime styleguide sudo sun_ilom sunspot svn svnmerge swfobject symlink syntax tar taxes tempfile terminal terminal_escapes tes test test1001 test2 test3 teste testing test_spec test_spec_rails testtesttest test_unit textadept textile textmate textmate_rails textmate_ruby textorize tgd the_game the_irs this thor tidy tinyos tld tmux todoist toggle_fold_fix to_i triforce tung tunneling tweet_im twitterrific ubuntu ubyubyuby undo_tree unicode unix unpack unzip uri user validations vi vim vim2 vimdiff vim_folding vim_goodies vs2005 w3m watir watir_ie webrat websphere wife win32_sc wmii3 word wordpress words_with_friends wxd xargs xcode xfbml xmonad xmpp xpath xpath_result_type xrandr xslt yaml yard yas_ruby_snippet yboss yeah yui yuiconnect yuidom yuievent yuifonts yui_fonts yuiglobal yuigrids yui_grids yuilang yum_upgrade zeiten zentest zsh zsh_array zsh_bang zsh_case zsh_ftp zsh_glob zsh_if zsh_keys zsh_loop zsh_modifiers zsh_param zsh_process zsh_ranges zsh_rename zsh_startup ztd zz_reuse_00 zzz000reuse zzz001reuse zzz002delete zz_z003delete zzz_reuse_00 zzz_reuse_01 zzz_reuse_02